Resistant PDO models: Unraveling drug resistance mechanisms for discovering new drug targets

To investigate the mechanisms responsible for developing resistance to standard-of-care therapies, it is essential to gain insights into the stepwise progression leading to complete resistance. Recent research has revealed that cancer cells can evade the effects of chemotherapy and targeted therapy by entering a reversible and slow proliferation state known as the drug-tolerant persister (DTP) state. This DTP state allows cancer cells to survive drug therapy long enough for additional mechanisms of acquired drug resistance to develop. HUB Organoids® or patient-derived organoid (PDO) models are derived from patient tissues, making them more physiologically relevant than traditional cell lines. Thus, studying drug persistence and resistance in PDO models is more likely to reflect in vivo conditions. This study demonstrates the successful development of persistent and resistant CRC PDO models to standard-of-care therapies.
Download this poster to discover:
- The concept of resistance and drug-tolerant persisters in treatment resistance of cancer
- The superiority of HUB Organoid Technology in recapitulating cancer resistance
- The process of developing PDO models of acquired resistance to treatment