3D In-Vitro Fibroblast-Patient Derived Organoid Co-Culture: A High-Throughput Platform for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Drug Development

HUB Organoid Technology allows the generation of patient-derived organoids (PDOs) derived from adult stem cells of the intestinal epithelium. PDOs maintain tissue genetic and phenotypic properties and can be derived from regions throughout the gastrointestinal tract, capturing regional differences and disease-specific hallmarks. HUB intestinal PDOs provide a new perspective for studying gastrointestinal diseases, with an in vitro platform including the intestinal epithelium, allowing co-culture with other cell types.
Here, we developed a novel 3D in vitro co-culture system combining fibroblasts and PDOs. Recognizing the pivotal role of stromal cells, particularly fibroblasts, in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) pathogenesis, our high-throughput assay integrates multiple readouts linked to key IBD hallmarks, including epithelial breakdown, inflammation, stem cell niche de-regulation and ion flux changes.
Download this poster to discover:
- The workflow for modeling 3D in vitro co-culture system with fibroblasts
- Data demonstrating the reproducibility and robustness of the 3D PDO-fibroblast co-culture system
- The optimized readouts that measure the cross-talk between the epithelial cells and pro-inflammatory fibroblasts