

HUB Toxicology Organoid Models

Discover the application of HUB Organoids® in the preclinical evaluation of a compound's safety

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Drug toxicology studies are critical for assessing drug safety and denote a pivotal step in preclinical drug development. Accurately predicting potential drug-induced adverse effects in humans at an early stage of drug development gives an undue advantage to save time, money, and resources. Despite recent advances in the field, the majority of toxicology studies are performed using traditional models such as cell lines, primary tissues, or animals. These models poorly mimic human physiology leading to adverse effects in clinical trials and compounds’ attrition.

Download this fact sheet to discover:

  • How HUB Organoids can be utilized to obtain a quick indication of your drug’s safety
  • How HUB Organoids compare to other preclinical models of toxicology evaluation
  • HUB’s service offerings that will enable you to improve and de-risk your preclinical drug development pipeline

Download our fact sheet