HUB Organoids as a Reliable Platform to Assess Gastrointestinal Toxicity

Gastrointestinal toxicity (GIT) is a prevalent adverse effect observed in drug development, impacting both clinical trials and post-approval phases. Despite often being non-life-threatening, GITs necessitate dose adjustments and palliative co-therapies, compromising drug efficacy and patients' quality of life. Traditional preclinical safety assessments employ animal models or 2D cell cultures, each with limitations such as poor clinical correlation, ethical concerns, or lacking physiological resemblance.
Patient-derived organoids (PDOs) from adult intestinal stem cells exhibit genetic and phenotypic properties mirroring in vivo responses. HUB intestinal PDOs, sourced from various gastrointestinal regions and differentiated into distinct cell types, offer an innovative in vitro platform for studying drug-induced GIT. To validate our intestinal organoids, we tested nine compounds with known GIT profiles.
Download this poster to discover:
- The establishment of our GI toxicology platform
- How 3D Organoids predict clinical responses of known GI toxic compounds
- Proof-of-concept experiment demonstrating the predictability of PDO monolayer for assessing barrier function and viability